We believe that you should try to give yourself the absolute best chance in chasing your dream career. So, we’ve partnered up with a team of fantastic people to do just that and are running a competition to get a scene professionally made for your show-reel, your calling card in the industry.
Read moreWe Speak Your Language
I still remember sitting at the table with Vee watching the proposed scene with Bill Murray listening to the interpreter telling him what the Japanese director wanted him to do in the scene. All those little looks. Gestures. Squints. Breaths. It had me sold – although I am a little biased due to growing up with many Murray movies.
Read moreGetting Started
We survived due to healthy snacks and Noodlebox care packages.
Full of ups, downs, rushes and noodle box takeaways – but we’ve finally shown what we’ve made to the world, like a mad genius alchemist who has perfected the art of transmutation… or is just high on the chemical vapours. Here, I want to share with you some of our thoughts and insights on the whole process.
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